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Man In Meditation main logo for Spiritually Awoken

Money and flashy cars are OK, but no good if you don’t have love and harmony. You could be a successful business man with someone hanging on your every word yet still be isolated and lonely as though there is something missing. As we journey through life we build up our karma So we hope you enjoy our website. All information and items are there to help you elevate to a higher consciousness to enable you to vibrate at a higher frequency and become your best image of yourself and move you along in your journey. Namaste

Gary Bashford at the Opera
Gary Bashford at the Opera

What is our purpose in life?

“Be with creation and people who make you smile a little today.”

- Gary Bashford

Two swans partners for life
Two swans partners for life

We are connected in such a beautiful, there is no separation. That is just a construct we have been given by our controllers. We are all just brothers and sisters trying to get along as everything connects to the universe. We are the Christed soul on earth. That is why we need to live in harmony with the Earth and every person and creature on it. I decide to write a book about the things we tried. It looks at some of the different religions we explored and at the different trinkets like crystals and why they are so important. I have created a eBook about our journey. I hope it helps you to find your path and discover the true meaning of why you are here on this stunning planet we call Earth.

Are we all connected? The answer is Of course we are connected!

Customer reviews

Discover what our clients think about our service

I wanted a Reiki session with Gary because my 3 year old Grandson was waking up angry and was prone to frequent outbursts of anger several times a day. The healing session was done remotely so I have to say I was probably a little sceptical.

woman wearing black crew-neck shirt
woman wearing black crew-neck shirt


Superb, outstanding and all the possible synonyms for excellent. These don't do justice to the teaching experience I underwent. I applaud both hostess and host for a most wonderful and heartfelt weekend. 


Joe Somefather


Well I have now had 3 Reiki sessions with Gary and each has got better for me. I suffer from Parkinson’s Disease and tiredness is a major problem for me. After each session I have felt noticeably refreshed and as time has gone on I have felt a very big increase in energy. So much so that Gary’s Reiki session has become a regular feature in my life. 



Although it was a distant healing session, I could feel a powerful energy flowing through me. I needed the therapy to calm me down from what had been a busy stressful period in my life. But what I didn’t realise was that the angelic reiki therapy treats the body as a whole. As a result it actually highlighted the fact that my Candida

Had a great distance healing session with Gary a couple of weeks ago. I have got to say that I am feeling so much better about myself and feel like I have been uplifted and healed from how I was feeling about myself before the healing.

A very successful experience

Distance Angelic Reiki Therapy


Powerful Distant Healing

Parkinson's suffers regain your life


I booked to see Gary as I was not sleeping, I have been suffering with insomnia. After the first session I have been feeling, more energised and I have been sleeping much better. 


Sleeping much better after Angelic Reiki

Angelic Reiki Training


KatieN -151

Steve Razzell

Up hills and down dales where will your spiritual journey take YOU!